

KIHOKU 商標設計比賽

今次再一次 "駁一駁, 單車變摩托" 參加了一個 logo 設計比賽.
今次題目是為一間賣即食魚吃的日本公司設計logo, 用於在美國銷售他們的品牌.
尚算滿意今次的作品....如果大家覺得這作品還可以的話請幫我一把投神聖的一票~ 感激~

design concept:
The fish in logo looks like Chinese character “ 一 ” (Number “1”) in calligraphic style. The customers eat KIHOKU’s fish in easy and convenient way, just like writing Chinese character “ 一 ” with 1 stroke! Enjoy without any trouble! The logo is used of an element of Calligraphy emphasizing the Asian Culture – Japanese. The strokes of Calligraphy show a message of natural and delicate universal. The fish is drawn with calligraphic style. And the flow of the strokes makes it looks like alive. It leads the customers feeling that the fish products come from KIHOKU is fresh and natural. In other words, the strokes represent the traces of soybean paste. It means the specialty flavors of fishes what KIHOKU selling is. When the customer heated the fish simply, the flavor of the fish emerges likes that of a natural roasted fish with sauce topping by brush. There is a circle in logo which represents a plate. Except of the completeness on visual effect, the plate also is a decent and elegant element and it makes a blend of different cultures – Eastern delicate culinary skill with Western decent living attitude.
